EGONAE LIMITED safety policy is that the health of its people is among the most important considerations in any undertaking. The protection of company assets and the environment are also primary concerns. No job is so important that we cannot take the time to do it properly, and therefore complete it safely.

It is, therefore, EGONAE LIMITED policy to provide a place of employment, which is free from recognized hazards, to provide accident prevention programs and systems, and to comply with applicable national and international regulations.

Understanding that safety, accident prevention, and environmental protection are operational responsibilities, this policy requires all employees at all levels to be responsible for the prevention of job-related injuries and illnesses, property damage, and environmental accidents, through the use of their good judgment and the diligent and consistent application of company guidelines and procedures.

Work may result in occupational illness. It is therefore essential that early recognition of health hazards is established, monitored, and controlled. EGONAE LIMITED maintains a Clinic Retainer-ship Scheme with Government approved Hospitals within its area operations to supplement first aid treatment as well as render medical services to staff.

The company encourages employees to participate in voluntary first aid training programs. The company places great emphasis on the promotion of the total health concept and the protection of the worker.

It is the intention of EGONAE LIMITED to conduct all of its operations in such a manner as to minimize any actions that may endanger or harm the environment. EGONAE LIMITED is aware of, and sensitive to the ecological balances necessary to be maintained between mankind’s activities and nature’s beauty and abundance. Our policy is one of responsible environmental stewardship; our objective is to prevent pollution of any kind in our operations.

The company and its employees will follow all state, federal and other applicable regulatory compliance standards prevent pollution or environmental damage to the lands, waters and air in which they work. Furthermore, vendors, subcontractors and others who visit or work at Company locations and facilities will be held accountable for ensuring that environmentally sound practices and procedures are followed.

Environmental pollution hazards or violations of this policy should be brought to the immediate attention of management. The company encourages employees to participate in voluntary first aid training programs. The company places great emphasis on the promotion of the total health concept and the protection of the worker.

EGONAE LIMITED has as part of her policies Waste Segregation. Having waste baskets in the following colour blue, green and black for proper segregation of waste.

EGONAE LIMITED as part of its positive attitude in promoting good working relationship with her client and host communities has a comprehensive COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE POLICY that is tailored towards the enhancement of the welfare of the communities.

Based on the above therefore, EGONAE LIMITED shall at all times conduct its activities in the way and manner that will promote good working relationship with her host communities. Hence, effective project planning and considerations with specific relevance to protection of life, property and environment are critical issues of concern in its project execution and implementation criteria.

This would be ensured through:

  • The elimination of all forms of Hazards and the preservation of the Health and Safety of its employees, sub-contractors and third parties.
  • Maintenance of plant and equipment in safe and proper condition.
  • Insurance of strict compliance of its sub-contractors with the terms of this policy.
  • Establishment of a good rapport and positive attitude in conflict resolution during dialogue with the members of the host communities and other persons that may be affected by EGONAE LIMITED activities.
  • The provision of employment by sourcing unskilled/skilled labour where applicable within the host communities.
  • Provision of community assistance projects, targeted at improving the welfare of the people.

Being in possession or under the influence of intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs at the work site and company provided accommodation is a termination offence for any employee of EGONAE LIMITED.

Smoking is not only injurious to health but also a potential safety hazard. Smokingin public exposes Non-smokers to health related hazards, and it is theresponsibility of EGONAE LIMITED to protect employees from unnecessary exposureto such hazards.

As a policy, the smoking of pipes or cigarettes is and shall remain prohibited at all work sites and EGONAE LIMITED offices

It is EGONAE LIMITED policy that any worker can refuse to perform assigned task if any of the following circumstances exist.

  1. The task does not comply with Company’s HSE policy.
  2. The work conditions are deemed unsafe.
  3. The work is not in accordance to relevant safety procedures.
  4. The worker is not aware of procedure concerning that particular task.
  5. If worker deem it to implement his right to refuse work in the above circumstances, he must inform his supervisor of the situation immediately so that corrective measures can be taken and work resumed.

It is the policy of EGONAE LIMITED to ensure that all vehicles both light and heavy-duty carry seat belts at the driver and passenger’s seats.

Drivers and passengers are expected to always fasten their seat belts irrespective of the distance. Violation of this policy will attract strict disciplinary action that will include but not limited to a warning, query, or forfeiture of the monthly CASHES bonus for workers.

Security personnel are instructed not to allow entry or passage to motorist that violates these regulations.

EGONAE LIMITED is committed to provide our clients competent service in all our services through continual improvement of processes.


Our quality policy is achieved through the following objectives:

* Ensuring that our processes and services always meet quality requirements.

* Improving on the processes performance level achieved.

 * Investing in developing our people, to encourage and empower everyone to achieve their full potential.

Set target goals and performance indicator parameter to enhance

our services.


Egonae set out specific objectives, strategies and targets to ensure safe operations. Operations activities are planned and executed in accordance to government and Client safety standards and procedures.

– To maintain zero accidents

– To prevent arson and check each other on security awareness

– Towards safe protection of company properties and that of clients

– Ensure that all employees are medically fit

– To preserve the environment in which we operate.


– Zero fatality

– Zero LITP

– Zero security incidents

– Conduct quarterly emergency response drill (exercise).

– Minimal impact of our operations on the environment

– Cordial/harmonious relationship with host community

– Adequate training / courses to improve the competence level of staff.

We customize an immeasurable solution to your safety needs.